Byldis on RTL Z 

Did you know that the most special buildings are now also built using prefab?

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Byldis on RTL Z 

Did you know that the most special buildings are now also built using prefab?

‘Nederland maakt het'

The Netherlands is facing an enormous shortage of housing and workspace. In order to meet increasing demands, 75,000 new homes are needed each year until 2030. This cannot be achieved using traditional construction methods, but there are solutions..

"The future will see a move towards more precast. There’s no other way."
Jacco van Dijk, CEO Byldis
"It is perhaps not impossible to do this without precast, but almost impossible."
Diederik Dam, architect Hourglass

Precast. What solutions does building in precast offer and how do people see precast?

Jacco van Dijof Byldis explains why this is cheaper, faster and safer than traditional construction methods and architect Diederik Dam explains why Dam & Partners Architecten are also keen to work with precast solutions and how they have applied this to the construction of the special Hourglass building at the Zuidas.
Diederik Dam: "It is perhaps not impossible to do this without precast concrete, but almost impossible. The complicated shape of the building, the circumstances in which it has to be realised, the large slab of natural stone we have designed. These can only really be realised in precast."

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